Global Connections

When we think about human rights violations, we tend to think about countries where there is widespread poverty or fighting.
Of course, human rights also need defending in our own communities.
There are, unfortunately, examples close to home where the fairness and freedom traditionally associated with the Australian way of life are threatened.
Australians are connected with people from around the world in their desire to live in a society where human rights are respected, and where there is justice and freedom for all.
Here are some paintings we have created which refer to particular human rights. You can click on the image to enlarge it.
Many countries have a history of war and peace. The cherry blossom tree is not only a well-known Japanese icon, it has been used as a symbol of friendship between countries. The blossoms can also symbolize how human life is both beautiful and short-lived.
Trade is an important way in which Australia is connected to other countries. Our mining and agricultural industries are major exporters. Our shops are filled with imported goods. We learn about "food miles" and understand that there are environmental costs associated with international trade.