Current STEM Sessions
Stage 1 (Grades 1 and 2)Using Lego and other materials, we build from plans or from our imaginations. There are constraints in timing and materials which make the task more difficult. How accurately can we follow someone else's instructions? Is our model a good representation? To what extent is it functional, beautiful or original?
We develop knowledge, understanding of and skills in applying the processes of Working Technologically. We will work collaboratively, make plans, carry out building work, and reflect on its success. |
Stage 2 (Grades 3 and 4)What is life? How can living things be grouped? How can we describe the life cycle of some plants and animals? These are questions we will consider in our classes this term.
Students will have the opportunity to plant seeds. They will observe and record their growth. Powerful magnifying glasses will help us observe creatures such as snails and worms so that we can better identify their features. The magnifying glasses will also be used to observe closely the structure of flowers. We will learn how the flower plays an important role in the life cycle of some plants. |
Stage 3 (Grades 5 and 6)We will learn about three states of matter: solids, liquids and gases. In the first instance, there will be activities involving water as a liquid which can, with heating or cooling, become steam or ice. There are plans to demonstrate the sublimation of dry ice.
Some changes to materials are reversible while others are not. We will have the chance to reflect on this as we dissolve substances in water. We may also melt or burn some materials and observe the results. This term, we have our first STEM excursion -- a visit to the Australian Museum's Science Festival! |