To do the job, we all need the right tools. We also need to take pride in keeping them in good order. Everyone should come to school with pencil, rubber, sharpener and ruler. That goes for the teacher, too!
Although every day is different, it always begins with a plan. From a weekly timetable, each subject gets its allocated time. On this day, there's English in the period before recess and Maths in the period after. There'll be Religion and Science. And between lessons, we might have a break or two: perhaps the next chapter in our class novel, a song to learn or a physical activity.
I knew you were coming so I tidied the desk. The award stickers went into the drawer. Some old photocopies are now in the recycling bin. Just out of frame is a piece of Lego that no one claimed and that distracting motorised eraser (I forgot to give it back before school ended on Friday)..